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Under Counter Water Ionizing Machines

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Tyent UCE-13 Water Ionizer Image

Tyent UCE-13 Water Ionizer

Regular Price: $5,995.00 Sale Price: $3,995.00 Buy Now
Tyent UCE-13 PLUS Water Ionizer - Satin Silver Metal Faucet Image

Tyent UCE-13 PLUS Water Ionizer - Satin Silver Metal Faucet

Regular Price: $6,995.00 Sale Price: $4,795.00 Buy Now
Tyent UCE-11 Water Ionizer Image

Tyent UCE-11 Water Ionizer

Regular Price: $4,995.00 Sale Price: $3,495.00 Buy Now
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Have you heard about the incredible benefits of ionized water? Tyent USA is home to state-of-the-art water ionization technology, and our under-counter water ionizers are revolutionizing the industry. What sets our under-counter water ionizer machines apart from the rest? When faced with the decision between solid and mesh plates, our engineers innovated a unique solution that offers the best of both worlds. Our solid/mesh hybrid plates are at the cutting edge of ionization technology, and they dramatically increase the amount of surface area available for electrolysis. Our two most popular under-counter water ionizing machines include the UCE-11 and the UCE-13 PLUS ionizer models.

Our UCE-11 under-counter water ionizers feature eleven of the largest plates in the industry, but we didn’t stop there. These large plates are made from medical-grade titanium and dipped multiples times in platinum to ensure durability, which also allows you to enjoy higher pH alkaline water with a better negative oxidation reduction potential (ORP). Every UCE-11 we offer includes touch-type automatic water supply and adjustable presets with 55 power levels to choose from. We also implemented “Ultra Plus” filtration with dual filters that remove contaminants such as sediment, chlorine, chloramines, and metals from your unique source water.

Our UCE-13 PLUS under-counter water ionizer machine features 13 of our large solid/mesh hybrid plates, 99 presets per level, and max amperage to provide the highest levels of healthy antioxidants available. This smart machine features three alkaline levels and three acidic levels to help you ease into the routine of drinking ionized water. Our customers love the advanced interactive touchscreen because they can easily adjust pH levels or user settings to suit any application. Neutral pH water is ideal for eating, making baby formula, or taking medications.

Are you tired of spending more for organic fruits and vegetables? You can easily remove herbicides and pesticides by using our under-counter water ionizing machines. Acidic and alkaline water are also used for cleaning or sterilizing applications throughout the home. Although our under-counter water ionizers are designed to complement the rest of your kitchen décor, the convenience of under-counter installation allows you to save on valuable counter space.

Best of all, both under-the-counter models are backed by our lifetime warranty with no stipulations and zero fine print. Lead a happier, healthier life by drinking and using ionized water. If you have any questions about our water ionizers, please contact our highly trained customer support representatives for additional information.

Tyent USA certifications

Why Tyent?


What Tyent customers are Saying About Us...

  • Tom Schafer Tyent USA Testimonial

    "By properly hydrating with Tyent Alkaline Water and improving her diet my wife is pain free and back to enjoying good health and we have both lost over 20 lbs."

    Tom Schafer

    Hendersonville, TN
  • Dr. Francisco Contreras Tyent USA Testimonial

    “We at the Oasis of Hope Hospital have a Tyent USA water ionizer in our dining room for all of our patients so that they can have unlimited filtered, alkaline water."

    Dr. Francisco Contreras, MD

    Oncologist, Oasis of Hope Cancer Center
  • Tom House Tyent USA Testimonial

    “I have played professional sports and coached professional sports and we have been singing the praises of Tyent alkaline water for about nine years..."

    Tom House, "Throwing Doctor"

    Founder, National Pitching Association
  • Rick Sr and Jennifer Mendyka Tyent USA Testimonial

    “The benefits seem endless... We are immensely grateful we learned of the Tyent ionizers, and realized that this is a priceless investment in our health."

    Rick Sr and Jennifer Mendyka

    Gillette, WY

Click to Hear More Incredible Testimonials!

Ashley Edney Water Ionizer Testimonial
Ashley Edney Testimonial
Ashley Edney

“The Tyent machine was one of the greatest investments I have ever made.” 

My name is Ashley Edney, and I have owned a Tyent Water Ionizer for almost a year now.  The Tyent machine was one of the greatest investments I have ever made.  

“After about three days of drinking the #1 alkaline water my heartburn and morning sickness had subsided immensely.”

I was pregnant when I purchased the machine and my heartburn and morning sickness were awful.  After about three days of drinking the #1 Alkaline water my heartburn and morning sickness had subsided immensely.  I felt that I had more energy too.

“We definitely feel more hydrated, have more energy and sleep better!”

 My husband is a firm believer in the water ionizer as well.  We both drink it and we definitely feel more hydrated, have more energy and sleep better!

“Your customer service is A+ and that is hard to find these days.”

Friends and family come to us to *drink the good water*.  Your customer service is A+ and that is hard to find these days.  Thank you Tyent for your wonderful product!

Ashley Edney
Alpharetta, Georgia

Terry Fator TyentUSA Ionized Water Testimonial
Terry FatorFamous Ventriloquist and Winner of America’s Got Talent, Headliner at The Mirage Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, NV

“I am a ventriloquist who does impressions of singers without moving my lips, so the pressure on my voice to perform not only for myself but also all of my characters is very heavy. When I signed a long-term deal to perform at the Mirage Hotel and Casino in Vegas several years ago my number one concern was getting what is called “Vegas Throat”, a condition that is caused by the lack of humidity in the Vegas area. My doctor recommended humidifiers in my home and to drink lots of water. I installed the humidifiers and drank plenty of water, but I still noticed that my throat was to dry.

Since I got the Tyent UCE-11 ionizer I have noticed a marked difference. My throat feels much more lubricated and I have my full vocal range back!

I recommend it to anyone who need to keep their voice and body hydrated.

Another plus is that I am saving hundreds of dollars not having to purchase cases of bottled water and my Tyent ionizer paid for itself in just a few short months. Thanks, Tyent, for making my life and voice healthier!”

Burgard Dog Water Ionizer Testimonial
Burgard Dog Water Ionizer Testimonial
Leo the dog

“Keeps his coat shiny and fresh smelling.”

During the ten years we have had our Tyent™ Ionizer, it has improved our life in so many ways!  At the age of 6, our beautiful German Shepard, Leo, was to the point he could not get up on his own because of inflammation and arthritis.  Within a couple months of drinking the alkalized ionized water, Leo was running around like his old self again and lived to be 10 and a half, with a great quality of life!  We are so thankful a friend told us about the Tyent Water Ionizers!!  I know we can credit our great health to our healthy lifestyle and our Tyent water machine!!

Yannick Bisson TyentUSA Water Ionizer Testimonial
Yannick BissonCanadian Film Actor, Murdoch Mysteries

"My TV series Murdoch Mysteries is set in 1900 Toronto. Most of our scenes are shot outdoors and I'm dressed in a three piece wool suit, topped off with a Homburg Hat all summer long, and summers in Toronto are HUMID.

I couldn't get through these days if I didn't have the amazingly hydrating Tyent Water in my stainless steel water bottles to keep me going.

In fact on the days I've forgotten it and had to drink regular bottled water I end up with headaches and low energy by the end of my fourteen hour days.

In my business it's all about how you look and HD film isn't always kind. 

Since having the Tyent Water Ionizer installed in our brand new home six months ago everybody keeps asking me "what I'm doing differently, you're like an alien who never ages" and I tell them it's all in my water!”

Take a peek inside Yannick Bisson’s home. Be sure to keep an eye out for the Tyent UCE-9000 in his beautiful kitchen!

Robert Moran TyentUSA Water Ionizer Testimonial
Robert Moran TyentUSA Water Ionizer Testimonial
Robert Moran

"One month short of five years ago, when I was 64, I was happily jogging in the park. I was running five miles every other day in about 46 minutes. This particular day I became extremely fatigued after only two and a half miles – which was two and a half miles from my car. I walked back, which was a struggle. I came home, and went to bed. After a week of being too fatigued to go to work, I went to see the local doctor. I was told that there appeared to be nothing wrong – and was prescribed an asthma inhaler to help me breath. I didn’t and don’t have asthma, and I didn’t have a problem breathing. I presume because I told the doctor that I was running at the onset of my fatigue, he assumed that I had a breathing problem. I was forced to use it once in the doctor’s office – after I came home, I threw it away.

The next morning, I woke up nine-tenths dead – I felt really, really bad.strong> My wife had left early in the morning on business, and came home about four in the afternoon. I thought I would be dead soon, and I gave her all the passwords to our bank accounts. Later that day, she and one of her friends took me to the nearest ER which was about 30 miles away. I guess I didn’t have enough money in the bank for her to let me die. By this time, I could not stand or walk without help.

I was kept overnight in the hospital, and was scanned, poked, and prodded all night long. I was seen by several doctors – one said he found nothing wrong, another said my kidneys were failing, and a third prescribed an asthma inhaler – the same brand and type as the first doctor I saw. Again, I threw it away

I was terrified – I assumed that my kidneys were failing and I didn’t think I’d last a week. I tried to see the doctor I had seen earlier the morning I got out of the hospital just to get some answers, but he didn’t see patients that day. His receptionist was rather rude about it – see him later in the week or go back to the ER.

After some searching, my wife found a doctor that would see me. He looked at the ER and hospital records and declared that my kidneys were not failing, that I did not have asthma or need an inhaler, and there was nothing wrong with me except some mild arthritis. I pointed out that I could not stand or walk without help and slept 23 out of the 24 hours in a day, so there obviously was something wrong. I was sent to a clinic where they took several tubes of blood, and then my wife took me home, and I slept.

After several days, the doctor told my wife that all the blood tests turned up negative, but he scheduled some more blood tests, and a thyroid biopsy, and some sort of nerve test where they stick needles into you and run electric current – he warned me it would be somewhat painful.

My wife took me to get the second round of blood tests. The technician had trouble finding a vein, and I went out like a light. When I woke up, a nurse in the ER was cutting my clothes off. When I woke up, she told me “you are the most excitement we have had all day”. Apparently, I had been out for quite a while, and had turned a rather dark shade of green, according to my wife. She thought that I had died. The ER doctor asked me what my problem was, since the blood tests requested were rather unusual. I told him that I didn’t know. He told me that I was unusually weak and dehydrated, and most emphatically told me not to have any invasive procedures done until I had regained some strength because they could easily kill me. They kept me at the ER for about four hours.

My wife took me home, and immediately cancelled all of the scheduled biopsies and tests. The next day, against my protestations, she hauled me to an alternative medicine clinic run by a licensed MD that had gotten fed up with the conventional medical practices. At this time, I strongly did not believe in “alternative medicine”.

The first thing that became apparent is that the doctor and his staff actually listened to me, and asked detailed questions covering every detail of what I was going through, and asked my opinion of what was going on.

The following took place over a period of six months or more – I cannot remember exactly, but it was a long time. The first month or so I spent sleeping 23 out of 24 hours a day.

I won’t go into all of the treatments in detail (with a few exceptions, vitamins, minerals, and natural remedies). One procedure that was done is called “live blood analysis”. Conventional practitioners now call this quackery – but it used to be a common practice 40 years ago, and is stilled used by researchers. I observed the entire procedure, which basically consists of drawing a drop of blood and looking at it under a video microscope. The result was somewhat disturbing – in addition to various “stuff” floating around in my blood – fat and uric acid crystals, among other things - a significant number of my red blood cells looked like deflated balloons and starfish. The technician told me that he did not know the cause, or the cure, but it was obvious something was stressing my blood cells and that I had a “leaky colon”.

Now this is where the Tyent comes in. The alternative medicine doctor told me to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day. Plain water was good enough, but ionized water would be better.

My wife had a friend who was selling Kangen water ionizers. She volunteered to provide me with ionized water to prove that it would do some good.

For months, my wife would fetch ionized water for me. At this time, I was slowly getting better, staying awake longer and going into work a few hours a week. Being somewhat skeptical about the ionized water, I stopped drinking it for a week, twice, and drank tap water. Both times, I could tell the difference – I started feeling worse, very quickly, when I stopped drinking it, and got better when I started drinking the ionized water. Before I fell ill, I was having trouble urinating – just getting old, I supposed. A few months after starting with the ionized water, the difficulty urinating became less and less. Now, it is not a problem anymore. Also, I used to eat antacids like candy – I have always had an acid reflux problem. Over a relatively short period of time, my acid reflux went away. I seldom need antacid anymore.

I also found that the taste of the ionized water was very good. Filtered water and bottled water is just “bland” – the only way to describe it. The ionized water is just more drinkable to me.

OK, now it was clear to me that I needed my own water ionizer. The price of the Kangen ionizer was outrageous, plus the technology was quite old – it works, but very heavy and requires periodic cleaning.

I looked at a lot of brands, and settled on the Tyent because the price was affordable, the technology more recent, the self-cleaning feature, and the lifetime warranty.

My wife bought the lady that was providing the Kangen ionized water for me a very nice thank you gift.

I also looked into the technology of water ionizers on the internet. A lot of educated people who should know better say it is quackery and you cannot “ionize water” because pure water is a non-conductor, and in any case, if you did succeed in putting ions in it, they would just recombine and neutralize each other.

I remember a demonstration in physics class at Ga. Tech. The professor had a large, glass plate capacitor which could be disassembled. Glass is a non-conductor. He charged the capacitor up, and carefully disassembled it. He then shorted the conductive plates together to show that there was no charge on the plates. He then passed the glass plate around the class. He then reassembled the capacitor, and drew a three inch arc from the conductive plates. The purpose of the demonstration was to show that the charge in a capacitor is stored in the non-conductive dielectric. OK, I reasoned, now replace the glass with water – a water capacitor. Charge up the conductive plates. The water next to one plate will have an excess of electrons, the water next to the other plate will have a dearth of electrons. Now quickly remove the water next to each plate – the water next to one plate will be stuck with an excess of electrons, the water next to the other plate will suffer from a lack of electrons. The purer the water, the better this works. In any case, I was clear to me those on the internet – some who are PhDs – that argue that there is no such thing as ionized water should call their University and ask for their money back for giving them such a poor education in physics.

In any case, I not only satisfied myself that not only do water ionizers actually put a charge into the water, but that alkaline water is actually very good for you.

After six or seven months of alternative medical treatment, including copious amounts of ionized water, I begin to become my old, irascible self again. At the insistences of my wife, I had another live blood analysis. This time, all of my red blood cells were nice round like they are supposed to be, no fat in the blood, no uric acid crystals or anything else that was not supposed to be there. Objective proof that the treatments prescribed by the alternative medicine physician actually had an effect.

In about a year after I first became ill, I was able to begin seriously exercising again. I had gained 40 pounds over this period – doing nothing but sleeping and eating is not particularly good for you. I was too heavy to start jogging again, plus my leg muscles had atrophied. I started riding a recumbent tadpole tricycle (not what you think – it is a lean, mean, speed machine if you are man enough to pedal it). I started out barely being able to go 13 mph – now I can hold 22mph on the flats.

In summary, I’m now 69 years old. I can pee again. I lost the 40 extra pounds. I regularly ride Centurys on my recumbent trike faster than a lot younger folks on expensive diamond frame bikes – today I knocked off a 40 mile, very hilly ride with the local bike club. I will be riding the Cap2Cap Century (Richmond to Williamsburg) in May.

I still have my Tyent I bought years ago, it still works great, and my wife and I still religiously drink the ionized water from it.

What caused me to fall so seriously ill? I never found out – perhaps it was a pollen allergy - the day I was jogging was a severe pollen day – I probably will never know.

As to the extent that ionized water played in my recovery, I can only say that it very noticeably made a difference. As to what role it plays today in my overall health, I cannot say, but I feel great, and I can pee again and I do not have an acid reflux problem. I still drink copious amounts of alkaline water, and you could not pull my Tyent away from me with elephants.

I also have become a firm believer in alternative medicine. I am convinced conventional medicine would have literally biopsied me and drugged me to death, and, after the autopsy, they would have told my wife what killed me.

It can be argued that I eventually would have recovered on my own, if left alone. But three things are clear to me – conventional medical practices would have either killed me or left me disabled and on expensive prescription drugs, the alternative medicine, at worst, did no harm (and I’m convinced that it worked), and the ionized water makes me feel better and seems to have largely eliminated my life-long acid reflux problem.

Nancy McClellan TyentUSA Water Ionizer Testimonial
Nancy McClellan TyentUSA Water Ionizer Testimonial
Dr. Nancy McClellanDC Dipl. Ac.

“Tyent Water™, along with all of its other benefits, neutralizes free radicals in a very effective manner.”

One of the important features of drinking Tyent Water™ is the ORP quotient, that is the oxidation reduction potential and the power the water has to go into your body and neutralize free radicals. If people realize that free radicals attack:

Number 1. Nerve tissue
Number 2. Brain tissue
Number 3. Cell walls

They might take ORP a little more seriously.

Tyent Water, along with all of its other benefits, neutralizes free radicals in a very effective manner.

The most important things we can do is to drink Tyent alkaline water because it flushes out the part of your body called the ground substance, or the matrix, where all of your cells sit in. It’s where everything happens in your body. The only thing that I have found that cleanses the ground substance is alkaline water, so I consider alkaline ionized water from a Tyent machine one of the most important things a person can do for themselves and their family’s health.

Franci Crownoble TyentUSA Water Ionizer Testimonial
Franci Crownoble TyentUSA Water Ionizer Testimonial
Franci Crownoble

“It keeps my blood pressure down & I no longer have arthritis in my knees!”

Tyent ionized alkaline water has been very beneficial to my health!  It keeps my blood pressure down & I no longer have arthritis in my knees!

The unit is easy to use & tastes great!  I also appreciate all of the other levels of acid or alkaline water it allows me to use!

-Franci Crownoble
Cottonwood, Arizona

Connie Cochran TyentUSA Water Ionizer Testimonial
Connie Cochran TyentUSA Water Ionizer Testimonial
Connie Cochran

“I went with TYENT USA, and I‘m so glad I did!”

My first experience with ionized water was when a representative demonstrated it at a home show.  I thought I knew all there was to know about it’s purposes in life, after all,  I’d be on this planet for nearly 70 years.  Little did I know there was a big surprise awaiting me.  All water is definitely not created equal!

“All water is definitely not created equal!”

I always prided myself in not drinking excessive amounts of sweet soft drinks.  I even made a switch from an occasional soda to a large amount of carbonated tap water that I made myself at home.  What could be better than lots of homemade carbonated water? I began getting acid reflux that was beyond being resolved with over-the-counter products.  My doctor gave be a prescription to help.

The demonstrator at the home show made a huge impression on me.  He had some family members and other people, (who had ionized systems in their own homes), come to the show that weekend.  They all looked very healthy, especially their skin.

I went home and did some extensive research on the computer. I was definitely on a mission.   I already knew I  was going to have this water in my home, easily accessible to drink every single day. To me, it was necessary to compare equipment capabilities along with prices and reviews written by people who use the machine. In my research, I came across a remarkable video showing colon comparisons of those that did and did not drink alkaline water.  There were before and after photos of those that made the switch. Generally I’m not one to share “colon pictures” with my friends, but this was a must!

“I’m so glad I went with Tyent.”

I made the decision to go with TYENT USA because of a comparison video, the price and their warranty , and I‘m so glad I did. It was truly the beginning of a life changing experience. This is a wonderful piece of equipment and really should be a “must have” for everyone. I’m amazed I hadn’t heard about it before.  The choice I made was the TYENT 9090 Turbo. It has the capability to do both extremes: very alkaline and very acidic. I’ve found many purposes for both.  My friends love it when I take them turbo acidic water.  All of our bathrooms are sterilized and the glass is spotless, not to mention the floors!!

“The acid reflux completely resolved itself.” 

During  the first few weeks of my switch to water from my Tyent 9090 Turbo, the acid reflux completely resolved itself.  The weight seemed to be going down.  No longer did I need pain or anti-inflammatory medication several times a day.  My skin and hair improved.  Even the dental hygienist noticed a difference in the build-up on my teeth at my semi-annual cleaning appointment. 

After about 3 months I just happened on to a book called “The Beauty Detox Solution” by Kimberly Snyder, Certified Nutritionist.  As I read the book I began the second phase of my wonderful alkaline future. Learning that “obesity is an acid problem”. I began following her suggestions to eat alkaline food along with my already newly found friend, ionized alkaline water.  Only then did I realize that most of my life I’ve been over-fed and under-nourished causing me to carry around a terrible amount of excess weight. 

“The weight loss is remarkable!”

What a wonderful combination:  ALKALINE WATER and ALKALINE FOOD.  I cannot wait to go back to my physician in early June. The weight loss is remarkable! And, when my doctor reviews the blood work , he won’t have to write prescriptions for inflammation or for acid reflux any longer.

I drink 3 to 4 quarts of this wonderful Tyent Water™ every day.  I only wish I’d learned about it when I was younger . . . But then there are some people who never learn about it. I am grateful this important information came my way and . . . THANK YOU TYENT USA!

Celebrate Life…with Water!

Connie Cochran

Dr. Joe Fawcett TyentUSA Water Ionizer Testimonial
Dr. Joe Fawcett TyentUSA Water Ionizer Testimonial
Dr. Joe FawcettDC

“The Tyent machine performs far above anything else that is out there.”

One of the elements that is so key and vital in anybody’s health is their pH, and we want to achieve a slightly alkaline pH in the body. I have looked at a lot of different water ionizer machines and I found the one that truly is the best! The Tyent machine performs far above anything else that is out there.

R. Brouser TyentUSA Water Ionizer Testimonial
R. Brouser TyentUSA Water Ionizer Testimonial
R. Brouser

"I have suffered from severe arthritis and fibromyalgia for decades. But thank God I "discovered" alkaline water from Tyent. It has changed my life completely. I live in the Sub-Arctic of Alaska's Interior where it is severely cold (down to -60 degrees in the winter) and very dark (less than 3 hours of daylight in the winter, too). I have seen many doctors to get relief from my disorders and they all have told me to move somewhere warm and sunny, take lots of pills for pain and muscle relaxation, and don't exercise (it will flare up the fibromyalgia.)

I first heard about the concept of making your body alkaline from my best friend. Her Integrative Medicine doctor told her to eat certain foods to make her body more alkaline. She told me many sicknesses cannot live in an alkaline environment. When I searched methods to become more alkaline they all involved specialized and fairly expensive food plans. It was a lot to grasp since I am already severely reactive to over 400 food allergens and have to carefully avoid otherwise healthy foods.

And then I found out about alkaline water! All I had to do was drink it; how simple could it be?! I bought a Tyent 7070 Turbo and began drinking a gallon a day. (I picked Tyent due to their strong medical recognition in Korea for over 30 years and lifetime product warranty.)

About 2 weeks after starting the Tyent alkaline water, my worst arthritis symptoms abated. It will be 2 years next month and the pain has not returned!

When I told my doctor that my arthritis abated since drinking alkaline water he looked at me and said disdainfully, "You are kidding me; you of all people are a medical social worker and should know the power of a fake placebo!" I got a different doctor! The next doctor I found believed in holistic medicine and ran some blood tests and x-rays to see how bad the arthritis was in my hands.

The tests in 2013 showed there was NO INFLAMMATION in my blood at all (and the pain has been long gone). There was no other intervention but Tyent alkaline water to give the credit to!

 I have told many friends about the alkaline water. One friend had fibromyalgia like I do. I brought her a gallon of water every day. Within a month she told me her fibro pain had disappeared. I was shocked; I still had a lot of pain. Then it dawned on me that I was told to not exercise and I hadn't in years. If I didn't exercise how would I know if the water could take away muscle pain? I started physical therapy. Over the last year and a half I have gotten to 3 miles on my treadmill and many exercises each day. I haven't hurt at all after working out. I have some continued general fatigue and mild pain, but not related to my physical therapy. Amazing!! Of course, I guzzle close to a gallon every day.

The water seems to wick away whatever waste materials that normally cause my fibromyalgia pain from exercise. Since then I have lost 25 pounds and 2 dress sizes, too. Thank God for Tyent alkaline water.”

Michael McKenry TyentUSA Water Ionizer Testimonial
Michael McKenry Catcher, Tampa Bay Rays

“You gotta look into this alkaline water. It’ll do dividends for your life. When it comes to alkaline water, Tyent USA is THE brand.”

It’s just been wonderful to be able to be ahead of the game, just a little bit, comparative to other guys that are just drinking regular bottled water.”

After doing a lot of research, when it comes to alkaline water, Tyent USA is THE brand.

Tyent Water, along with all of its other benefits, neutralizes free radicals in a very effective manner.

Kristen Tayler TyentUSA Water Ionizer Testimonial
Kristen Tayler TyentUSA Water Ionizer Testimonial
Kristen Taylor

“I have received excellent customer service with Tyent USA.”

I am Kristen Taylor and I want to first discuss the excellent customer service I have received with Tyent USA. Jim Roberts has gone above and beyond...over the top to serve and satisfy and I am most grateful to have met him and I am more than thrilled to have gone this route opposed to choosing the other ionized/ alkaline companies that I was debating.  It has been such a pleasure dealing with Jim and he has been so prompt, so on top of things, so kind and has made this experience perfect for me!

“I love the energy that the Tyent Water™ gives me, and I love how it keeps my system regulated and cleansed.”

I am so glad I chose Tyent USA.

“My skin has been so clear from drinking the ionized water and from using the Tyent beauty water as well!*”

I am a major fan of Tyent USA and I want to tell the world!

-Kristen Taylor
Inman, South Carolina

*Note from Tyent USA: The Tyent beauty water that Kristen is referring to is simply level 1 acidic pH water from the Tyent water ionizer produces in addition to the alkaline pH ionized water.

Shareece Wright TyentUSA Water Ionizer Testimonial
Shareece WrightBaltimore Ravens

“Lactic acid is a big, big part of the reason why you get sore.

After drinking Tyent Water, the soreness after practice is not there anymore like it used to be before I was drinking Tyent Water.

Getting out of bed, I feel a lot better and it’s definitely helping with my energy once I go out on the field and perform. As a professional football player and athlete and being out there on the field everyday and being in different types of weather, we can’t afford to be sick. As far as the immune system, we have to keep our immune system strong.

This water, I feel, is definitely making my immune system stronger.

It’s a clear taste. It’s smooth going down your throat. It’s easy to drink and you don’t feel as bloated when you drink Tyent Water than when you drink faucet water.”

Icilda Sanford TyentUSA Water Ionizer Testimonial
Icilda Sanford TyentUSA Water Ionizer Testimonial
Icilda Sanford & Family

“I am very pleased with my decision based on numerous factors such as: Tyent’s warranty, price, guarantees, health benefits, and great taste!”

My family has been drinking Tyent Water™ for approximately 6 months. Prior to ordering my Tyent machine I was approached by a Kangen water distributor. I began to research the benefits and the companies that offered Alkaline water. After much comparison, I decided to purchase my Tyent machine. I am very pleased with my decision based on numerous factors such as: Tyent’s warranty, price, guarantees, health benefits, and great taste!

“Now my children love drinking Tyent Water™.”

In addition, my daughter suffered from a bad ache and my children, in general, did not like to drink water. However, ever since the machine was installed, her acne cleared up and now my children love drinking Tyent Water™.

“I use the water to sanitize my house and it works great!”

Lastly, other than the health benefits, the machine has greatly reduced my cleaning budget. Instead of buying an array of cleaners, I use the water to sanitize my house and it works great!

“I am very pleased with the product and the great customer service. The Tyent was definitely one of my best purchases in life.”

Thanks TYENT!!!

From a very pleased customer, 

-Icilda Sanford & Family
Los Angeles, California

Nate Schierholtz TyentUSA Water Ionizer Testimonial
Nate Schierholtz Starting Right Fielder, Chicago Cubs

“A lot of athletes are beginning to use Tyent Water. It’s a great product and it’s huge in sports.

Playing 162 games a year is physically taxing on the body, and so my Tyent Water definitely gives me the boost I need.

I work out almost everyday and I need better sleep, more hydration and to feel 100% focused on the field, and I feel that Tyent Water does that for me.

You won’t see me drinking anything but Tyent Water”

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Under Counter Water Ionizer By Tyent USA

Under-the-counter water ionizer – an under-counter ionizer is simply the best type of water ionizer for those who do not want any type of appliance on the countertop, ionizer or otherwise. The Tyent Ionizer Company makes the most modern-looking under-counter ionizer called the UCE-11 Under-Counter Extreme Water Ionizer. This water ionizer comes complete with an easy-to-use ionizer interface, so that you can get ionized alkaline water quickly at the touch of one ionizer button. Read more.

This Tyent Ionizer Company Exclusive will fit discretely under your counter. Plus, this under-counter ionizer version from the Tyent Ionizer Company offers the same functionality and produces the same high- quality alkaline water that you can expect from the top ionizer brand.

Special note:
The Tyent Ionizer Company is the only ionizer company to offer a smart-phone-inspired under-the-counter water ionizer. The Tyent Ionizer Company’s 11-plate ionizer is the top selling ionizer in the under-counter series, but the 9-plate under-counter version still easily beats out competitive ionizer brands. Check out the Tyent Ionizer Company’s UCE-9000 Turbo under-counter ionizer and our UCE-11 Extreme countertop water ionizer models.

If you are still learning about the differences between what the Tyent Ionizer Company’s series of ionizers offer compared to other ionizer brands, then check out the Tyent Ionizer Company free ionizer eBook entitled “The Water Ionizer Buyer’s Guide.” You can download this ionizer guide instantly and at no-charge. It really simplifies the differences between all ionizer brands. You can download your copy of the 2014 Water Ionizer Buyers Guide now.

Some other great ionizer resources are available for you to help you decide which ionizers are popular with the press and with celebrities. Checkout Reviews on Alkaline Water Ionizers from Tyent.

Here are some ionizer media clips that feature some of the Tyent Ionizer Company’s ionizers:
http://tyentusa.com/tyent-media/ Hide.